Friday, December 11, 2009

Sir Richard Branson Unveiled Rocket Plane

Sir Richard Branson has unveiled the rocket plane he will use to take fare-paying passengers into space.

SpaceShiptwo was presented to the world in Mojave, California. The vehicle will undergo testing over the next 18 months before being allowed to take ticketed individuals on short-hop trips just above the atmosphere. According to the Billionaire Sir Richard (Head of Virgin Group) it has been intended to run the first flights out of New Mexico before extending operations around the globe.

This hybrid rocket motor powered and Built from lightweight carbon composite materials SS2 is based on the X-Prize-winning SpaceShipOne concept which is basically a rocket plane that is lifted initially by a carrier vehicle before blasting skywards. The Plane will take the passengers into the space for about five mins and then will come back back down. This five mins flight into the space to make you feel weightless or whatever you might wana call it will cost about USD 200,000 (Source:


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